Exercise PRANK was a landing exercise in Studland Bay, Dorset that took place 7th to 10th March 1944. It involved troops from the 7th and 9th Brigades of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. The 7th Brigade was to be the assault brigade on the MIKE and NAN Green sectors in the JUNO Assault Area, with 9th Brigade being the Division’s reserve brigade.

The Division’s 8th Brigade provided some umpires for the exercise1 and Squadron Leader R. A. Sandison, the C.O. of No. 103 R.A.F. Beach Section, acted as Army Beach Group Senior Umpire.

Also taking part was No. 51 R.A.F. Beach Balloon Unit. Their participation provided valuable lessons concerning the transportation and landing of inflated balloons.2

1 See War Diaries 1944 | The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum and Archive (qormuseum.org)

2 See Operation Prank D Day Exercise (bbrclub.org)