A despatch rider of No 4 Beach Squadron poses with members of the Signals Section camped near Mont Fleury battery. Discarded trunking used to enable tanks to deep wade has been utilised by the men in the construction of their shelters. Sgt. Fenton and Sgt. Godwin are holding newspapers (John Fenton seated higher up). The others are (left to right) Aircraftman Flay, LAC Gachia (standing in vest), LAC Bunce, LAC Arber and just visible, LAC Munro. 24th June 1944 © IWM (CL 243)
A despatch rider of No 4 Beach Squadron poses with members of the Signals Section camped near Mont Fleury battery. Discarded trunking used to enable tanks to deep wade has been utilised by the men in the construction of their shelters. Sgt. Fenton and Sgt. Godwin are holding newspapers (John Fenton seated higher up). The others are (left to right) Aircraftman Flay, LAC Gachia (standing in vest), LAC Bunce, LAC Arber and just visible, LAC Munro. 24th June 1944 © IWM (CL 243)